Adult Catechesis

Adult Faith Formation


Men’s Fellowship is a ministry that is calling to all men in the parish. We meet on the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 AM in the Activity Room of the Parish Hall. We welcome everyone who wants to meditate and discuss scriptures with the fellowship of other parishioners. All you have to do to join in this ministry is show up. We look forward to seeing you.


The GIFT Team was developed to offer continued adult faith formation for practicing
Catholics, as well as those who are new or renewed in the faith. G.I.F.T. is an acronym
for Growing In Faith Together. The sharing and spiritual bonding that occurs at each
event leads to a comradery of faith and community.
Activities in the past have included:
*classes on Catholic teachings, practices, and devotions
*days of reflection
* book studies
* parish wide concerts & movie events
*  special social and service projects
* team building weekend beach retreats
* Lenten missions, such the one with
Father Larry Richards
* And Bible studies
These occur at various times throughout the
year. Check the bulletin and parish website:
https://www.stjohnalvin.org/ and parish
Facebook page St the Baptist, Catholic Church (with white statue image of John and

Anyone interested in joining the GIFT
Team, making program suggestions, or
wishing further information may contact us
by email stjohnaff@gmail.com,
or call the office at 281-331-3571.



Formed.org is "Catholic Faith On Demand". Similar to NetFlix, .The site gives you access to
Catholic movies, audio books, radio talks, podcasts, video studies and much more! Great for the
whole family! Go to www.formed.org. Click sign up then click parish subscription and on drop
bar type St. John Alvin and enroll FREE as a parishioner. Use your email address and make
your own password. You can sign-in then at any time for anything that may interest you on the
site. Enjoy!


WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUP meets the first Saturday of the month, after 8 AM First Saturday morning
Mass, in the parish hall. Starting around 8:30 with light refreshments, this is great way to meet women
of faith and share in a prayerful atmosphere.