Discernment of Gifts
What are your gifts and talents?
Being a disciple of Jesus calls us to be a good steward of the gifts God has given us, especially our time and talent. To do this we must first recognize our gifts/talents and give thanks to God for them. The following assessment helps us recognize our gifts in several areas. Once we recognize our gifts/talents, it is important that we follow Jesus calling to us to use our gifts in building God's Kingdom‐‐a Kingdom of justice, compassion and peace.
How to use the following assessment:
s Answer each of the questions
s Score your answers
s Identify those gifts with the highest scores
s Review the Gifts Discernment Summary for a definition of the gifts and suggested ministries that can best use your gifts
s Review the ministries of the parish to identify which ministries you think can best use your gifts. You can use parish web site to review the ministries
s Contact the ministry for further information to further assess whether your gifts fit with the ministry or to join the ministry
Gifts Discernment
The following "Gifts Discernment" is designed to help you discover what your gifts might be. This is not a test! There are no right or wrong answers. Each statement has 3 possibilities. As you read each statement, reflect for a moment as to how it describes you, and then check the appropriate column.
Yes, I have positive feelings and much enjoyment. Value = 4 |
Sometimes, I have neutral feelings or modest enjoyment. Value = 2 |
No, I have negative feelings and no enjoyment, or DOES NOT APPLY. Value = 0 |
1. I am able to organize ideas, things, times and people for more effective results. | |||
2. I receive much joy from working with my hands at various arts and crafts. | |||
3. I find that my skills in building or repairing objects benefit others. | |||
4. I like sharing with other people how God has changed my life. | |||
5. There have been times when I have felt sure I knew God’s specific will for the future, even when others have not been so sure. | |||
6. I am so confident that God will meet my needs that I give to God sacrificially and consistently. | |||
7. I find joy in being a help to someone who can utilize my help and concern. | |||
8. I am comfortable with meeting new people in the parish. | |||
9. I am able to motivate people into getting things done. | |||
10. I enjoy doing things to comfort people during sickness or times of problems or anxiety. | |||
11. When I am singing, I feel a great sense of joy. | |||
Yes | Sometimes | No | |
12. I would enjoy being involved in an instrumental music presentation. | |||
13. I appreciate being called on to do things for others. | |||
14. I have enjoyed relating to a certain group of people over a long period of time, sharing personally in their success and failures. | |||
15. I feel that I can communicate the Good News of Jesus to others so that they are helped. | |||
16. When important decisions need to be made I sense a confidence in God’s guidance. | |||
17. When I use my ability to write, I know others will learn and grow from it. | |||
18. I am able to plan and administer programs which will be of benefit to others. | |||
19. I enjoy the times that I am able to create beautiful items with my hands. | |||
20. I enjoy the work necessary for gardening, landscaping, and other projects. | |||
21. I feel comfortable telling others how God changed my life. | |||
22. When in a group, I am the one others often look to for vision and direction. | |||
23. I am ready to forgo certain privileges in order to give money to God’s work. | |||
24. When I serve the Lord, I really don’t care who gets credit. | |||
25. I enjoy inviting visitors and guests in the parish to become involved in parish ministry. | |||
26. I am able to lead small and/or large groups of people into making decisions. | |||
27. I enjoy helping and working with those people who are ignored by others. | |||
28. In the area of vocal music, I enjoy performing alone and/or in a group of singers. | |||
29. When playing an instrument, I intuitively sense where the music is flowing, rather than relying completely on a written music score. | |||
30. When other people ask me to lend a helping hand, I feel special. | |||
31. I feel comfortable in leading a small group Bible study. | |||
32. I find it rewarding to reach more people about the Lord. | |||
33. When a person has a problem, as a Christian I can frequently see what is best to do. | |||
34. I find pleasure in composing and writing paragraphs and stories for the growth of others. | |||
35. I can easily delegate important responsibilities to other people. | |||
36. I find joy in having a beautiful lawn, flowers, and shrubs which are properly placed and cared for. | |||
37. The repair and maintenance of things comes easily to me. | |||
38. It is easy for me to talk to other people about life and/or spiritual matters. | |||
39. I am able to trust in the reliability of God when all else looks dim. | |||
40. I am content to maintain a lower standard of living in order to financially benefit God's work. | |||
Yes | Sometimes | No | |
41. When I do things behind the scenes and others are helped, I am joyful. | |||
42. I am able to provide food and/or lodging graciously and willingly to people who are in need. | |||
43. When a group I am in is lacking organization, I tend to step in and fill the gap. | |||
44. Sometimes when I help people out, I know they may not even say "thank you," but I still enjoy helping them. | |||
45. I enjoy singing familiar Gospel songs with a group of fellow Christians. | |||
46. I know my performance of instrumental music has been a blessing to others. | |||
47. I respond cheerfully when asked to do a job, even if it seems menial. | |||
48. I enjoy leading small groups of people, especially when I am able to show genuine care and concern. | |||
49. I enjoy helping others learn things about Scripture which aid in building them up. | |||
50. I can intuitively arrive at solutions to fairly complicated problems. | |||
51. I am able to put my thoughts and ideas into positive, written form. | |||
52. I am able to set goals and objectives, and then make plans to reach them. | |||
53. I find joy in painting pictures or in making handcrafted objects. | |||
54. I find joy in lawn care and other outside maintenance. | |||
55. When I share my faith with others, I see positive results in their lives. | |||
56. I really believe that God will not let me down, even though everything around me seems to be falling apart. | |||
57. I really enjoy giving my time and treasures to God's work. | |||
58. I am able to assist key leaders to relieve them of detail work, so they can get back to their main jobs. | |||
59. I am comfortable in greeting people I don't know. | |||
60. People look to me as a leader when things need to be done. | |||
61. I enjoy working with those less fortunate than me. | |||
62. I am able to lead others in singing. | |||
63. I enjoy using my instrumental music talents for the appreciation of my friends and to the glory of God. | |||
64. I enjoy being a follower more than a leader. | |||
65. I have brought friends or relatives back to faith who have strayed away. | |||
66. I enjoy teaching children or adults about God. | |||
67. If one of my friends is faced with a problem, I am able to sort out what God's will is for them. | |||
68. I enjoy writing words that will be of benefit to those who read them. |
Gifts Discernment Tally
You have now finished responding to the statements in your "Gifts Inventory." The next step is to tally your results. Record the numerical value of each statement on the grid below. Any statement where you have checked the YES column is given the value of 4. A statement where you have checked the SOMETIMES column is given the value of 2. Any statement where you have checked the NO column is given the value of 0.
Statements 1 through 68 | Total Value of Each Row | Gift | |||
1 | 18 | 35 | 52 | Administration | |
2 | 19 | 36 | 53 | Craftsmanship | |
3 | 20 | 37 | 54 | Craftsmanship (Manual) | |
4 | 21 | 38 | 55 | Evangelism | |
5 | 22 | 39 | 56 | Faith | |
6 | 23 | 40 | 57 | Giving | |
7 | 24 | 41 | 58 | Helps | |
8 | 25 | 42 | 59 | Hospitality | |
9 | 26 | 43 | 60 | Leadership | |
10 | 27 | 44 | 61 | Mercy | |
11 | 28 | 45 | 62 | Music (vocal) | |
12 | 29 | 46 | 63 | Music (instrumental) | |
13 | 30 | 47 | 64 | Serving | |
14 | 31 | 48 | 65 | Shepherding | |
15 | 32 | 49 | 66 | Teaching | |
16 | 33 | 50 | 67 | Wisdom | |
17 | 34 | 51 | 68 | Writing |
Summary of Gifts Discernment
This inventory has given you a tentative evaluation of your gifts. This is only a guideline as you discern the gifts that God he blessed you with and how you might use them to build his kingdom.
ADMINISTRATION: This gift of administration will benefit you in understanding and setting goals for various groups and organizations. It will give you direction in making plans to achieve those goals. You will be able to plan programming, work with facts and/or figures, and see that goals and ideas are accomplished. Possible ministries: Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Stewardship Committee, Committee Chairperson
CRAFTMANSHIP ‐ ARTS/CRAFTS: This talent will give you the ability to use your hands, thoughts, and mind to further God's Kingdom through artistic, creative mans. You may also serve as a trainer for others to develop their abilities in this area. Possible ministries : Art and Environment
CRAFTMANSHIP ‐ MANUAL: This talent will give you the ability to use your hands and ideas in the areas of maintenance and upkeep of the parish's physical plant. Possible ministries : Maintenance Ministry
EVANGELISM: The gift of evangelism will give you the power to share the Good News. Possible ministries: RCIA, Youth Ministry, Religious Education (all ages), bible study, lector, and Eucharistic Minister
FAITH: The gift of faith will allow you to see with confidence what God's will is for your life and, more importantly, for the Body of Christ you are a member of. You will have no fear of moving ahead, even though everything around you seems to be holding you back. Possible ministries : RCIA, Youth Ministry, Religious Education (all ages), bible study, lector, and Eucharistic Minister
GIVING: The gift of giving will allow you to give liberally of your treasures and time. As you give, you will experience much joy and satisfaction. Possible ministries: Fundraising
HELPS: The gift of helps will give you the opportunity to help other members of the Body grow in their service. You will feel needed as you relieve others of tasks that are burdening them. Possible ministries: All parish ministries.
HOSPITALITY: The gift of hospitality will give you the opportunity to be open and caring to those in need. You will enjoy having people in your home and will feel good as you provide food and lodging. Possible ministries: New parishioners committee, usher (greeter), bereavement committee, ministry to the sick and homebound, welcome coffee
LEADERSHIP: The gift of leadership will allow you to be a goal‐setter and leader of God's people. They will look to you for guidance and direction. Your leadership will bring glory to God and growth to His church. Possible ministries: pastoral council, finance council, stewardship committee, committee chairperson
MERCY: The gift of mercy allows you to reach out to people who are in need. Your words of care and concern, your actions, will aid in building up those who may have physical, mental or emotional problems. The things you will do will allow those who you serve to see the love of Christ in you through you. Possible ministries: All social ministries programs, Caring Hearts, bereavement committee, hospitality ministry, prison ministry
MUSIC ‐ INSTRUMENTAL: This talent will allow you to play an instrument in such a manner that it will be praise to God and build up those around you. Possible ministries : music ministry
MUSIC ‐ VOCAL: This talent will allow you to use your voice to sing praise to the Lord in such a manner that those around you will feel strengthened and built up. Possible ministries: Choir
SERVING: The gift of serving will allow you to see things that need to be done. Often these are tasks overlooked by others, especially those in leadership positions. Assuming the role of the servant will bring you much joy and will build the Body of Christ. Possible ministries: All parish ministries.
SHEPHERDING: The gift of shepherding (paturing) will give you the ability to reach out and care in a spiritual manner for an individual or for a group. You will serve as one who is a counselor, and encourage, a shepherd, you will see that God's Word is fed to those in your care and you will also feel a responsibility for the general well being of the individual or group. Possible ministries : Religious education (all ages), bible study
TEACHING: The gift of teaching will give you the ability to share knowledge with members of the Body (children and/or adults) that will serve in building them up in Christ. Your teaching will aid the growth and health of the Body. Possible ministries: Religious education (all ages), youth ministry, bible study, RCIA, lector, tutor, nursery
WISDOM: The gift of wisdom will allow you to have a special understanding of situations which arise in people's lives. You will be able to offer counsel and advice. As you do this, the Body of Christ will become healthier and grow. Possible ministries: Youth ministries
WRITING: This talent will allow you to put your thoughts and ideas into words that will be meaningful and relevant to those who read them. As they are read, people will find guidance and knowledge. Possible ministries: Office help, newsletter, parish bulletin
Discover your talents. Live your gifts. Explore your purpose.