Respect for Life
Pro-Life Ministry is devoted to raising awareness and educating parishioners about issues regarding the sacredness of life from conception to natural death. This ministry is open to anyone committed to following the Catholic Church’s teaching regarding life in all stages. If interested please call the Parish Office.
As we make our Way down the “road“of our spiritual journey, we are sometimes in need of a caring presence to walk with us and to help us reflect on our relationship with God.
Sharing our journey with another can bring us much needed clarity and growth. We can learn to recognize the different ways that God speaks to us through our own life experiences, and learn to savor this loving presence which always dwells with us. It is within this loving embrace that we become all that God has created us to be. You are invited to experience the ministry of Spiritual Direction/ Companion, a sacred and holy space where your heart is always welcome. If you are interested in meeting with a Spiritual Director /Companion please call the church office at 281-331-3751 and one of us will contact you.