Rite of Christian Initiation
RCIA is a process to come into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. This is for
individuals, adults and children over the age of 7, who are seeking Baptism. It is also for adults
that already baptized in another Christian tradition and want to come into the Catholic Church.
Lastly it is for individuals that were baptized in the Catholic faith but have not received First
Communion and Confirmation.
The process for adults is four parts with various Rites celebrated as they pass from part to part.
You begin as an Inquirer (someone initially seeking information about God and the Catholic
Church). The second stage is the Catechumenate which gives greater instruction and
opportunity to deepen their relationship with God. The third state is Purification and
Enlightenment and corresponds to the Lenten Season each year. During this stage the
individuals devote themselves more to prayer, reflection and conversion. Stage 4, known as
Mystagogy begins with the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter and continues to the Feast of
Pentecost and beyond.
Children who are over the age of 7 and have not received baptism enter a two-year process of
instruction and conversion. The Rites mentioned above are celebrated also for the second year
RCIA is designed that at Easter Vigil the individuals that have prepared and seek full
communion with the Catholic Church will receive all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism,
Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Our sessions basically correspond to the traditional school
calendar but additional classes and formation may be offered during the summer months.
English classes will be on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Spanish classes will be on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
RCIA adapted for Children (7-17) will be on Thursday evenings (both first and second year.)
Kathy Bowman, Director of RCIA 281-435-4342 or kathybowman37@att.net
Carmen Arreola, Spanish Coordinator lcarmen9@yahoo.com 832-421-8314
Olga McDonald, RCIA Children Coordinator, ogie2361@sbcglobal.net 281-331-7705