Liturgical Ministry

As Catholics, worship through the liturgy of the Mass is at the heart of all that we believe. Liturgical Ministries serve the St. John's faith community in the areas of private and public worship.  Private worship is a commitment to personal and communal prayer time to build up the Body of Christ.  Public worship is centered on the Sunday Eucharistic celebration and other special liturgical events.  Many opportunities are available for those who feel called to take an active and often visible role by serving in the Sunday Eucharistic celebration. Other opportunities are available for those who feel called to serve in a supportive, behind the scenes role in the areas of both public and private worship. 


Adoration Altar Servers Altar Society
Arts & Environment Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Guadalupanas
Lectors Music Ministry Rosary
Sacristans   Ushers / Greeters