MENDING OUR HEARTS (consolation)

Mending Our Hearts Through Christ

St. John’s Ministry of Consolation

“So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and

no one will take your joy from you.” John 16:22


Mending Our Hearts Through Christ is a consolation ministry that
provides support to our brothers and sisters who are struggling to recover
from the loss of a loved one. Following a 10-week structured format that
uses “The New Day Journal: A Journey From Grief to Healing”, participants
walk through the tasks of grieving and begin to plan a life without their
loved ones. This process is not a counselling service, a program, or a
class. Rather, it is a support group of no more than 10 people that helps
others through their grief journey. Groups are led by compassionate
leaders who have been through extensive training by the diocese and who
have themselves participated in this 10-week grieving process. Group size
is limited and fills up quickly, so sign up soon.




All meetings are at the former pastor’s office in Old Rectory on Mondays,


All sessions are held on Mondays in the old rectory room next to the church office. You may attend either the morning sessions or the evening sessions.


Click HERE to register.

For more information, contact Marguerite Bagwell, Consolation Ministry
